Spells are magical effects that the hero can cast from his spellbook. They require mana units to do so, which means they have an associated cost. Each hero can only know and record in his book the generic spells and those specific to his class, since each class has unique spells that cannot be used by other classes. Thus, spells are classified into the following categories: generic, warrior, ranger, paladin, wizard and bard.
You can obtain new spells from level 0 to level 4 as you advance in level with your hero. In the near future, you will also be able to obtain more powerful spells of level 5 or higher by using your shards to open card packs or by purchasing them from other players on the market.
Generic Spells
Godwin Pact (Cantrip)
Convert 50 of your gems into 1 mana point. Does not require mana.
Paradise of Milton (Cantrip)
Convert 2 of your morale points into 1 mana point. Does not require mana.
Blood of Eliphas (Cantrip)
Convert 2 of your mana points into 1 morale point. Does not require mana.
Dark Pact (Level 1)
Reveal one card from your hand to perform 2 attacks in the next combat. Requires 1 mana.
Share Health (Level 1)
Your hero shares 5 health points with the selected demon on the board. Requires 1 mana.
Espectral Aura (Level 1)
Pay 200 gems and your hero will no receive damage this round. Requires 1 mana.
Sharpen Senses (Level 2)
You know if the next card from the deck that will come out on the board will improve your hand. Requires 2 mana.
Vertigo (Level 2)
Reveal your cards and reduce the target card´s value on the board by 5. Requires 2 mana.
Stairway to Heaven (Level 2)
If there are 3 or more demons with consecutive values on the board, I can increase the value of one demon on the board that I select by 1. Requires 4 mana.
Exchange of Health (Level 3)
Swap the health of two demons on the board. Requires 4 mana.
Silk of Spider (Level 3)
One of the rival demon´s abilities is disabled this round. Requires 4 mana.
Apostasy (Level 3)
The rival heroe loses is faith and he will not be able to invoke his deity this round. Requires 1 mana.
Thundercloud (Level 4)
+3 attack points to water demons this round. Requires 2 mana.
Burn (Level 4)
Deals 6 damage to a demon on the board and prevents it from recovering health until the end of the round. Requires 3 mana.
Devour (Level 4)
Devour a board demon with 3 health points or less and add that life points to the hero. Requires 3 mana.
Stretch (Level 5)
Increase the value of a demon on the board by 7. Requires 5 mana.
Nap (Level 5)
You lose your action turn in the last phase of the Round, and in return, your hero gains +3 health points. Requires 2 mana.
Disenchant (Level 5)
Your opponent will not be able to use their amulet for the entire round. Requires 2 mana.
Reflex (Level 6)
Changes the value of a card on the board to its opposite. For example, a 2 becomes an Ace and vice versa. Cannot be used on demons with a value of 8. Requires 5 Mana.
Nightmare (Level 6)
The stats of the selected demon on the board (attack, defense, initiative, and health) will be randomly changed to values between 1 and 20. Requires 2 Mana.
Trojan Horse (Level 6)
Exchange your opponent's lowest value card for a random one from the board. Requires 5 Mana.
Exorcism of Sagan (Level 7)
Expels a demon from the board and returns it to the deck. Your hero will lose health equal to the demon's current health. Requires 1 Mana.
The Day of the Beast (Level 7)
Your pet resurrects with half of its initial health. Requires 4 Mana.
Panacea (Level 7)
Heals 15 health points for your hero. Requires 6 Mana.
Warrior Spells
Monster Killer (Cantrip)
+7 attack points against Beasts (5) this round. Does not require mana.
Frenesi (Level 1)
+2 attack points to your hero this round. Requires 1 Mana.
Sand Eyes (Level 1)
Reduce 4 points the rival hero initiative. Requires 1 Mana.
Disarm (Level 1)
Reduce the attack of a selected demon on the board by 3 points. Requires 2 Mana.
Terror (Level 2)
Your opponent loses his next turn of action, unless his turn is in the last phase of the round. Requires 2 mana.
Red Ants (Level 2)
Deal 1d10 damage to the earth demons on the board. Requires 2 mana.
War cry (Level 2)
All demons on the board gain +8 initiative. Requires 2 mana.
Enkidu Claws (Level 3)
A demon you select on the board will attack twice in its next combat. Requires 2 mana.
Metal Thorns (Level 3)
+2 attack to selected demon on the board. Requires 2 mana.
Bite (Level 3)
-4 health points to demon on the board and reduce by 3 points his defense. Requires 2 mana.
Demonic Harakiri (Level 4)
A demon you select from the board loses between 5 and 10 health points. Requires 3 mana.
Immolate (Level 4)
Destroy a demon on the board and deal 15 damage points to your hero. Requires 1 mana.
Charge (Level 4)
-7 health points to a demon on the board and -1 health point to rival hero. Requires 3 mana.
Sade's Release (Level 5)
Increases your hero's attack by 2 points. Each turn, it will increase by 2 more points than the previous one until the end of the round. Requires 4 mana.
Volcano (Level 5)
Deals damage to all cards on the board equal to the number of fire cards on the table multiplied by 2. Requires 3 mana.
Magic Mushrooms (Level 5)
Increases the activation probability of the Berserker rune from 5% to 20%. Requires 1 mana.
Shadow (Level 6)
The demon in your hand that you select will become a shadow if anyone tries to see it. The opposing hero will receive 3 points of damage. Requires 2 mana.
Rabies (Level 6)
The opposing pet loses 3 health points but gains 1 attack point. Requires 2 mana.
Bone Wall (Level 6)
Creates a bone barrier that protects two demons attached to the board. These demons cannot be attacked by the opposing hero. Requires 4 mana.
Intimidation (Level 7)
Your opponent will not be able to attack with their gems in the next turn. They can only flee or tie. Requires 2 mana.
Raven Wings (Level 7)
Your hero flies over the demons on the board and strikes the opposing hero, decreasing their defense by 3 points. Requires 4 mana.
Mark of Cain (Level 7)
Marks your hero with the symbol of the first murderer, granting +5 attack points for the entire round but also causing them to lose 2 health points each time they attack. Requires 2 mana.
Ranger Spells
Vampire Hunter (Cantrip)
+6 attack points against Vampires (7) on the board. Does not require mana.
Climbing Plants (Level 1)
You place vines over one of the demons on the board. When the opponent's pet tries to defend that demon, it will suffer 3 points of health damage and retreat unsuccessfully. Requires 1 mana.
Full Moon (Level 1)
Increases your pet's attack by +3. Requires 1 mana.
Forest Wind (level 1)
Increases your hero's initiative by +4. Requires 1 mana.
Meditation (Level 2)
Restores health to your hero equal to the number of air cards on the board. Requires 1 mana.
Regeneration (Level 2)
The demon on the board that you select will recover 2 health points each time it is attacked by a hero. Requires 1 mana.
Rapid Arrow (Level 2)
Your hero gains +5 attack points against air demons. Requires 2 mana.
Boomerang (Level 3)
The demon on the board that you select receives damage equal to the number of air demons on the board multiplied by 4. Requires 3 mana.
Camouflage (Level 3)
The opponent will not be able to see one of the demons in your hand. Requires 1 mana.
Toad Oil (Level 3)
Invalidates the opponent's hero's weapon, causing them to miss their next attack. The opposing hero will lose the morale point consumed during their attack action. Requires 2 mana.
Swirl (Level 4)
Deals 1d20 damage to water demons on the board. Requires 4 mana.
Toxic Cloud (Level 4)
Creates a toxic cloud over one of the demons on the board. This cloud poisons adjacent demons with -2 health points each time the target demon is attacked. Requires 3 mana.
Mud (Level 4)
Decreases the value of all earth demons on the board by 1. Requires 4 mana.
Stampede (Level 5)
Deals damage to all cards on the board equal to the number of earth cards on the board multiplied by 2. Requires 3 mana.
Bear Hug (Level 5)
Increases the attack of one of the demons on the board by +4. Requires 3 mana.
Stone Animal (Level 5)
The opponent's pet becomes paralyzed and cannot fight for the entire round. Requires 2 mana.
Dust (Level 6)
Reduces the defense of all earth demons on the board by 7 points. Requires 2 mana.
Polymorph (Level 6)
Changes the value of a demon on the board to the value of another random demon on the board. Requires 5 mana.
Werewolf (Level 6)
Increases my hero's attack by +4 points and defense by +1. My hero loses the ability to cast magical abilities and spells until the end of the round. Requires 3 mana.
Trap (Level 7)
Places a trap on one of the demons on the board. When the opposing hero tries to attack the demon, they will suffer 2 points of health damage and retreat unsuccessfully in their attack. Once the trap has taken effect, it will be invalidated. Requires 3 mana.
Celestial Mirror (Level 7)
Reflects the light of the celestial vault, allowing you to see the opponent's spellbook. Requires 2 mana.
Lunar Calendar (Level 7)
Randomly shifts one phase forward or one phase backward. Requires 4 mana.
Paladin Spells
Hammer of Justice (Cantrip)
+3 attack points against Fallen Angels (J) on the board. Does not require mana
Icy Shield (Level 1)
+1 to your hero's defense for the entire round. Requires 1 mana.
Protection Sphere (Level 1)
The defense of a selected demon on the board increases by +2 points. Requires 1 mana.
Blinding Light (Level 1)
Blinds a demon on the board and reduces its initiative by 5 points. Requires 1 mana.
Pray (Level 2)
A demon on the board gains +3 health points. Requires 1 mana.
Polytheism (Level 2)
You change your deity to another of your choice. Requires 3 mana.
Beast Armor (Level 2)
An energy armor covers your pet's body, increasing its defense by +3 for the entire round. Requires 2 mana.
Ray (Level 3)
Deals 5 damage to a demon on the board and has a 50% chance to deal 5 damage to another random demon. Requires 2 mana.
Blood Storm (Level 3)
+3 health points to all demons on the board. Requires 3 mana.
Meteor Shower (Level 3)
Deals 1d20 damage to fire demons on the board but increases their attack by 4 points. Requires 3 mana.
Purify (Level 4)
Removes all modifiers that have altered the statistics of heroes and demons. Requires 5 mana.
Sacrify (Level 4)
You sacrifice your pet as a tribute to your deity so it can immediately cast its divine ability without having to pay gems. Requires 3 mana.
Wall (Level 4)
Place a wall in front of a demon on the board so that the opposing hero cannot attack it. Requires 4 mana.
Shooting Star (Level 5)
The next demon from the deck that appears on the board will be of the fire element. Requires 3 mana.
Plague (Level 5)
Earth demons on the board lose an additional 10 health points every time they are attacked by a hero. Requires 3 mana.
Deluge (Level 5)
Converts all earth demons on the board into water demons. Requires 6 mana.
Innate Law (Level 6)
The demon on the board you select gains all the health points lost by the other demons on the board, potentially exceeding its maximum health points. Requires 4 mana.
Revenge (Level 6)
Deals damage to the opposing hero equal to half of all the damage you have received during this round. Requires 6 mana.
Torment (Level 6)
Inflicts 1 to 3 damage to a demon on the board every time any player casts a demonic ability or spell. Requires 4 mana.
Reverse Possession (Level 7)
A selected demon on the board attacks the opposing pet that defends it. The pet will lose 5 health points. Requires 2 mana.
Fire of the Damned (Level 7)
A dark and destructive fire is unleashed from within your hero, causing 20 damage to all demons on the board, to your hero, and to your pet. The opposing hero and pet will not be affected. Requires 1 mana.
Sword of Damocles (Level 7)
Deals 6 damage to a demon on the board and causes bleeding. The demon will lose 3 health points each turn. Requires 3 mana.
Wizards Spells
Arcane Abyss (Cantrip)
+4 attack points against Primeval Beings (10) on the board. Does not require mana.
Bubble (Level 1)
The defense of a water demon on the board is increased by +3 points. Requires 1 mana.
Fireball (Level 1)
Deals 3 damage to a demon on the board and 1 damage to adjacent demons. Requires 1 mana.
Levitation (Level 1)
Your hero cannot be attacked by earth demons until the end of the round. Requires 1 mana.
Alchemy (Level 2)
Transmutes the element of a random demon on the board. Requires 2 mana.
Telekinesis (Level 2)
Swaps the position of two demons on the board that I select. Requires 4 mana.
Oblivion Fog (Level 2)
A demon on the board becomes hidden behind a magical mist. My opponent will only know of this demon's existence if they managed to memorize it beforehand. If this demon leaves the board for any reason or dies in battle, the mist will disappear with it. Requires 2 mana.
Frost (Level 3)
A demon on the board gains +7 health points. Requires 3 mana.
Earthquake (Level 3)
Deals 1d20 damage to each earth card on the board. Requires 4 mana.
Supernova (Level 3)
Your pet explodes, and with its luminous energy, it disintegrates a selected demon on the board. Both your pet and the demon will disappear. Requires 3 mana.
Zombie (Level 4)
When the demon I select on the board dies, it will return to life with half of its statistics in all parameters. Requires 3 mana.
Profanity (Level 4)
All demons of a random element on the board disappear. Requires 5 mana.
Echo (Level 4)
You know whether the next card from the deck to appear on the board is of the same value as one of the demons in your hand. Requires 2 mana.
Moon Whisper (Level 5)
+3 to your pet's attack. Requires 2 mana.
Drought (Level 5)
Turns a water demon on the board into an earth demon. Requires 2 mana.
Gravity (Level 5)
Reduces the initiative of all demons on the board by 7 points. Requires 2 mana.
Insomnia (Level 6)
You gain 3 morale points, but your hero's health is reduced by 5 points. Requires 4 mana.
Illusion (Level 6)
Creates an illusion for the next demon that will appear on the board, making the opponent see a random fake demon. Requires 6 mana.
Evil Eye (Level 6)
The opposing hero will have a 50% chance to miss their attacks on the demons on the board. Requires 5 mana.
Ashes (Level 7)
All demons on the board will immediately become hidden from the opponent. This effect lasts from the moment it is cast until the end of the opponent’s next turn. Requires 5 mana.
Last Breath (Level 7)
If your hero dies during this round, they will be reborn with 1 to 7 random health points. Requires 3 mana.
Shinigami's Eye (Level 7)
You can see one of your opponent’s demons. In exchange, your hero loses 10 health points. Requires 4 mana.
Bard Spells
Strong Heart (Cantrip)
+8 attack points against succubi (3) on the board. Does not require mana.
Call to Arms (Level 1)
+5 initiative points for all demons on the board. Requires 1 mana.
Masquerade (Level 1)
The opponent will not be able to see one of their demons for one turn. Requires 2 mana.
Lullaby (Level 1)
A demon on the board falls asleep and cannot fight for the entire round. Requires 2 mana.
Mentalism (Level 2)
The opponent cannot cast spells during their next turn. Requires 2 mana.
Juggle (Level 2)
Confuses the opposing hero in their next combat, making them attack a random demon instead. Requires 3 mana.
Taming (Level 2)
The opponent's pet will protect another demon on the board that you choose until the end of the round. Requires 3 mana.
Epic story (Level 3)
Gain 2 morale points and increase your hero's initiative by +3. Requires 3 mana.
Unbreakable Will (Level 3)
If your hero's health drops below 15 points, they gain a +3 attack bonus for the entire round. Requires 2 mana.
Leadership (Level 3)
The 3 demons on the board you select increase their attack by 2. Requires 3 mana.
Seduction (Level 4)
Steal 1 morale point from the opposing hero. Requires 3 mana.
Wind Dance (Level 4)
Deals 1d20 damage to each air demon on the board. Requires 4 mana.
Revolt (Level 4)
The smallest demon on the board increases its value by 1. Requires 4 mana.
Piracy (Level 5)
Swap one of your demons for your opponent's lowest-value demon. Requires 5 mana.
Verona’s Apothecary (Level 5)
The opponent’s mental faculties are affected, reducing their mana by 1 point. Requires 2 mana.
Diplomacy (Level 5)
Forces both heroes to sign a truce and maintain peace for that round. During this period, players cannot attack with their respective heroes. Requires 5 mana.
Sweet Introduction to Chaos (Level 6)
Deals 1d8 damage to all demons on the board and shuffles their positions. Requires 5 mana.
Polymathy (Level 6)
A random ability from your demons will be swapped for a new random ability. Requires 2 mana.
Blood Bond (Level 6)
Creates a magical link between two adjacent demons on the board. If one takes damage, the other takes damage as well. Requires 4 mana.
Vital Trade (Level 7)
Your hero gains 15 health points in exchange for 300 gems. Requires 1 mana.
Psychedelia (Level 7)
Your opponent will have a distorted vision of the demons on the board during their next turn. Requires 6 mana.
Corruption (Level 7)
The demon you select on the board disappears for a price of 300 gems. Requires 1 mana.
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